A four day pilgrimage walking a distance of 100km

Commencing on the Saturday with check in at Kerikeri, Pilgrims will be transported to the start point in Ohaeawai, beginning with a morning Mass, before setting off to the first nights destination near Okaihau. Sunday morning starts with Mass and breakfast, the Pilgrims then make their way to Mangamuka, then on to Te Karae Marae for our second night. On Monday we make our way to Totara Point, where Mass is celebrated at the location of the first NZ Catholic Mass, said by Bishop Pompallier, from there we head to the Kohukohu Marae for our third night. The Pilgrimage concludes on Tuesday with the last Mass in Motuti, the final resting place of Bishop Pompallier.

Hokianga harbour 2AA

Step into a journey of profound significance


Our mission is twofold: to promote the Latin Rite (Extraordinary) and to provide a platform for both priests and laypeople to glorify God through a spiritual, cultural, and educational journey. This pilgrimage offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with the Catholic faith and Tangata Whenua in Northland. 

Join us on Labour Weekend 2024 as we retrace the footsteps of New Zealand's first Catholic pilgrims. Walking 100km on foot to the serene Hokianga Harbour, ending at the final resting place of Bishop Pompallier. Experience the land of the Hokianga harbour and engage with the history of its people, allowing time to pause, reflect and pray, during the deeply spiritual experience of a traditional style pilgrimage. 

The Footsteps of Pompallier pilgrimage is travelled entirely on foot over 4 days and camping each night outside. While the physical demands may test endurance, the spiritual rewards are immeasurable. Join us to experience this inaugural pilgrimage, as we embark on a journey that promises to enrich the soul and deepen our connection with Almighty God.